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Rewind Pendant
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Rewind Pendant is a wearable that captures what you say and hear in the real world and then transcribes, encrypts, and stores it entirely locally on your phone.

We take a privacy-first approach and offer features for you to ensure no one is recorded without their consent.

With Pendant, Rewind is a personalized AI powered by truly everything you’ve seen, said, or heard.
As seen in
Our story
We started as an app for Mac, iPhone, and soon Windows.

But there is so much more to life than what we experience on our devices.

That’s why the next step toward our vision of giving humans superpowers is the Rewind Pendant.

Rewind Pendant is a wearable that captures what you say and hear in the real world and then transcribes, encrypts, and stores it entirely locally on your phone.

With Pendant, Rewind is a personalized AI powered by truly everything you’ve seen, said, or heard.
Thank you!
Wow! We have been blown away by the response to the Rewind Pendant. In just two days we’ve had over 3 million views on social media and 3,272 preorders!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I want to take this opportunity to answer the top question we got: people loved that we plan to offer features to prevent people from being recorded without their consent, but many were curious what specifically we were thinking so I’ll share two of our ideas:
Use cases
  1. Forget what your spouse just asked you to pick up at the grocery store?
  2. At an all-day conference and want to share summaries with your co-workers?
  3. Be more present in your day-to-day and bookmark moments for later.
  4. Automatic todo list generation whenever you verbally commit to doing something to someone else.
  5. Have an exciting idea while going for a walk or driving and want to remember it for later? Just talk to yourself.
  6. Insights into your life: What are you doing when your voice sounds the most excited? When are you the most grumpy? What are most common filler words?
  7. Capture the incredible things your young kids say so you can replay them later and reminisce (“Daddy, I plugged it in. Can you plug it out?”).
Private by design
Capturing everything you see, say, and hear means trust and privacy is more important than anything else.
Learn more
Stored locally
For your privacy, all of the recordings are stored locally on your device. No one else can access them - not even Rewind!
No cloud required
You can store all your data locally. Optionally, we offer encrypted end-to-end sync with all your other devices.
Respects the privacy of others
We offer features for you to ensure no one is recorded without their consent.
Make work and life more enjoyable
Life’s easier when you look and feel on top of it all
Get peace of mind
Relax knowing you’ll never lose anything important.
Be more present
Especially in meetings, knowing all important details are captured.
Feel limitless
Remember way more than what’s humanly possible.
Visit our help center to get in touch. We’re super responsive.

How can we prevent people from being recorded without their consent?

People loved that we plan to offer features to prevent people from being recorded without their consent, but many were curious what specifically we were thinking so I’ll share two of our ideas:

1. Only store recordings of the user and anyone else who has verbally opted in. Using voice fingerprints and speaker diarization it’s possible to tell who said what. If a person hasn’t previously said, “Sure, you can record me” then don’t store anything they say and it is as if they never said a thing.

2. Only store text summaries of what was said, not verbatim transcripts & recordings. Summaries are basically what a fantastic note taker would have written down manually, but in this case it is done for you automatically.

These are just two of many ideas that will help us achieve our goal of making sure no one is recorded without their consent.

These are exactly the kind of features the device depicted in that one Black Mirror episode should have had!

What stage of development is this project?

Very, very early! Hardware is hard. If you are excited to contribute to this project, we're hiring.

When can I expect delivery?

Unfortunately we can't commit to a delivery date at this time. Rewind Pendant is only available for preorder and the path forward very much depends on the volume of preorders we receive.

What's the purpose of accepting preorders?

Our primary goal in accepting preorders is to help us prioritize how much time and money we invest in this project. The more preorders, the more investment!

Secondarily, we want to give early supporters a way to reserve their spot in line so they are the first to get it.

Can I get a refund on my preorder deposit?

Yes! At any point you can get 100% refund on your deposit by emailing and asking for one and we'll refund you immediately.

Is my preorder deposit being used to fund the company?

No! As of October 2023, we have over $25M in cash which gives us over six years of runway.

How much will Rewind Pendant cost?

We don't know yet for sure but our best guess is $59. If you put down a deposit for $59 and the product ultimately costs less than $59 we will refund you the difference.